Also the continuation of Rotuxin, one quarter of the R-Chop Chemo mix that does not cause any negative effects to Phil`s body, but does a small part in keeping everything at bay. Now that you know the options, here is the& ...
Myself I an going to try Danazol ( a 50% sucess rate) first then spleen removal (80% sucess rate for people under 40 years old then drops off pretty quickly and has long and short term side effects) and finally Rotuxin as a last& ...
I am still doing treatments of rotuxin every other month. We have now added IVIG (intravenous immunoglobins, btw, I love all the new words I have learned) on the "off" months of rotuxin because my antibodies are low due to& ...
Unfortunately Joe`s kidney function was down after waiting the extra day since the Rotuxin treatment. Since the kidney`s aren`t functioning at the level they should the doctors recommending a smaller dosage this round.
Also the continuation of Rotuxin, one quarter of the R-Chop Chemo mix that does not cause any negative effects to Phil`s body, but does a small part in keeping everything at bay. Now that you know the options, here is the& ...
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